Monday, April 25, 2016

Second trimester update

Sorry it's been a while! We found out that the baby is a GIRL!
We are so excited!!! My hyperemesis gravidarum seemed to stay pretty bad into the second trimester and started to get worse lately. I was throwing up over 40 times a day and not able to eat at all. I was put on home health and it has helped a lot. I have a zofran pump in my stomach with a catheter that I carry around like a purse. I get home IVs that run for 2 days straight when my levels are off. I'm still just eating foods like jello, potatoes, potato soup, and breads. But the zofran pump has helped me stop throwing up so much. Home health checks in on me everyday and it's so nice! Baby girl is doing great despite all of the craziness and I am 17 weeks. Right now I spend most days at home in bed, but I've been able to go out here and there which has been great. Wednesday is my 29th birthday, so I hope I can get out and enjoy it! Here is my latest ultrasound.

 She seems to be very laid back and comfy in there :) I am already learning the sacrifice of a mom! As bad as the pregnancy has been, I would do anything to get her here safely. Please continue to pray for the baby and that my health improves. I want so badly to just enjoy the pregnancy. The power of prayer is great! 


  1. You are amazing. You have had a lot more than that going on and you and David have passed that strong determination to that baby girl. We bless you and baby in our prayers everynight. Love Annie and HB.
