Saturday, April 26, 2014

One week to go!'s a week away! Things are getting real. We bought the wedding bands, have had umpteen meetings with the vendors and planners and have signed up for dance lessons. (For David's sake haha) 
I am still trucking along. There are days when I have a lot of energy (which is probably a normal amount for most people) so I try to get as much done as I can. But then sometimes I pay for it the next day. Yesterday I had two bridal sessions with the photographers, a few appointments, and tried to work at the store some. By last night I knew I had done too much. I woke up feeling like I've been run over by a truck and had a migraine. But thanks to good meds I will bounce back and just take it easy today. It's so hard though! It was surreal seeing myself in the dress and veil. I can't wait to wear it next week. 
My mind is racing with things that need to be done for the wedding and for the business. We are participating in a huge event next week. I know it's the week of the wedding but it wasn't something we could pass up. One of our wholesalers has a big warehouse sale in Greenville twice a year called Bargain Chicks, and they asked us months ago to be the monogrammer for the event. Thanks to some awesome employees and friends who are willing to help, we think it will be a smooth week. 
I am also excited to celebrate my "golden birthday" tomorrow. I'll be 27 on the 27th. Woohoo! Kind of bitter sweet. It is my last birthday as a Haskell. Next birthday I will be a wife! And a Dannelly. Crazy!!! I am praying 27 brings good health and smooth sailing. (But just in case we did buy medical insurance for our honeymoon. I don't have a good track record so it's the smart thing to do!)   I can't thank you enough for all of your prayers lately. They are definitely felt and most definitely working. Through the struggles and sufferings of the bad days, I am able to be much more thankful for the good ones. I rely on God so much because I know he's the only one who can get me through those times. 

Much love 
Me -my last post as a 26 year old haha

Saturday, April 12, 2014

A healthy day

Today was a good day! A healthy day. David and I had the privilege of going to the Masters today. I kept insisting he take his dad or a friend so that he could stay all day and have more fun, but he wanted me to experience it. I had never been! So we went today and stayed just as long as I would last. For healthy people, planning things ahead of time is no big deal. For people with chronic illness, we never know what each day will be. I am blessed today was a good one. I wake up each morning praying my legs will work (sometimes I can hardly stand or walk on them) that I don't get a migraine, and that I can last all day with whatever the day brings. I fell asleep last night in the middle of my prayer, but He heard me! I woke up and my legs were cooperating and I felt good. The masters was absolutely gorgeous. It's nothing anyone could have really described to me either. It's something you have to experience and I'm glad I did. We followed Greenville's Bill Haas, shopped for souvenirs, and I ate one of their famous egg salad sandwiches. Delicious! We stayed about 4 hours and then I knew I was on borrowed time. My legs started to feel like jello and my feet were swelling. So we went to the car, feeling like I had at least gotten to experience it all (even if it was compacted into a short amount of time). I also had to save up some energy to see my little sister go to her first prom. If I had stayed any longer at the Masters, I most likely would have been done for the day energy-wise. It's all about balance for me. Deciding what I can do each day and how much energy to save up for certain things. I'm so glad I was able to see Langdon before prom. I was the proudest big sister. She looked so beautiful and grown up. 
I'm pretty sure she looks older than me here! I was sweaty and hot from the long day and she looked like a model! Speaking of my sister, she has been a champ through all of this. She has watched me go through 13 surgeries, a ton of hospital stays, and many days where I can't get out of bed. It definitely affects the whole family and she often gets less attention during those times, but she takes such good care of me. She never complains and is so helpful. I am so happy for her to experience her first prom tonight....and I'll be waiting up to get the call she made it home safely :) All in all, I am thankful for a pain-free day spent with my wonderful fiancĂ© and family. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

24 days to go...

There are 24 days until THE BIG DAY! This past weekend was supposed to be my bachelorette weekend in Sea Island, Georgia hosted by one of my best friends, Morgan. Unfortunately, after being in the hospital for 6 days and still not feeling any better, we had to rearrange the plan. I didn't want my health to get in the way of one more thing, so we continued with the date of last weekend since it worked for most everyone, but we stayed in Greenville. The great thing is, we stayed at a hotel and didn't even feel like we were here! I spent 3 days with my amazing cousins and friends who went above and beyond to make me feel special. I am beyond blessed with family and friends who love me. My cousins picked me up in their car decked out in crazy bachelorette stickers, flags, and such. My artistic friend Sarah decorated the hotel suite with the most incredible touches, and She, Ashley, and Danielle had everything planned for the weekend. My sister and future sister-in-laws joined us too!

They were also great about pacing the weekend so I could still take naps and rest in between activities. By Sunday night I was tired and the pain was still so bad (had never gone away). I decided I would use Monday to pray about what the next step would be. I wasn't getting any relief from the medicine for nerve damage, so I didn't think that is what it was. Monday morning one of my Bible study leaders suggested we call Dr. Young, a wonderful surgeon here in town. My first thought was, ok, but it will take weeks to get in to see him. Later that afternoon, my mom called Dr. Russell, who did surgery on my hernia back in 2005 to see if it was possible that the hernia has broken through the surgical clips. He is a dear friend and goes to church with us and always looks after me. He didn't think it was likely that the hernia was back, but he said he would call his friend Dr. Young to see if he could work me in. As God had planned it, it was the same Dr. Young my leader had suggested and he saw me immediately. He was so thorough and did some more tests and exams. His findings were that the cartilage/ligaments around my left lung were torn and that was causing the severe pain. It is extremely unlikely that this would happen in a "normal body", but with EDS, it is not as uncommon. My connective tissue is already so weak, that it doesn't take much to tear. The reason it has been so painful for so long is that every time I breathe (which is a lot haha) it would expand the torn tissue even more. There is obviously no way to "rest" the lungs, so I just need to take it easy and not put too much stress on my body. He also prescribed two meds to help reduce inflammation and calm everything down. Once it gets closer to "the big day" I will go get steroid injections in my rib cage area to really numb the pain so I can enjoy the wedding and honey moon :) I am so thankful for God's plan today in putting Dr. Young in my path. After we finished the appointment, he sat down, held my hand and PRAYED FOR ME! He prayed for my health and my marriage, that God would bless them both. How awesome is that?!?! God is good! The best news of is the first time in almost 4 months that I have felt a hint of relief from the pain! The meds are already working :) :) :)

Thank you all for your continued prayers! Keep them coming. I am praying this pain starts to cease sooner than later. Also please keep my friends Lindsey and Tricia in your prayers as they are both facing health issues as well. XOXO