Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I will praise you in this storm

This has been a hard couple of weeks. I have struggled to stay positive...and face reality. After having to postpone the endometriosis surgery because I was sick, I only got sicker. After 4 different antibiotics and 2 rounds of steroids, I was not getting better. My lungs were weak, it hurt to breathe, and my sinuses were killing me. I went to the ENT and got a CT scan of my sinuses. My left side was blocked and it wasn't draining. There are polyps and cysts in there which don't go away with antibiotics and steroids. The answer? You guessed it. Another surgery. He scheduled it for this Thursday and I left his office and acted like nothing happened. I moved on with my activities and didn't mention it again. I continued to schedule meetings and work things. Yesterday I went to the pulmonologist to get my lungs rechecked. Apparently I can't breathe well through my nose (which I must be used to) and I am putting too much stress on my lungs and my poor rib cages are bruised and sore. He said I HAVE to have surgery Thursday.

So here I am. Wide awake early in the am with anticipation of the reality. I am having surgery tomorrow to remove the cysts and correct a deviated septum. I have really struggled with emotions this week. I have for the most part kept quiet and acted like it wasn't actually happening, but it is. And I am mad. Why another surgery? Especially when I already know I have to STILL have the endometriosis one in the near future.

So I turned to my Jesus Calling. Have you gotten a copy yet? It is amazing and seems to always speak to me. Here it was in all caps at the top of the page... "I AM A GOD WHO HEALS" You receive the healing that flows naturally from my Presence, whether you seek it or not. But there is more- much more- available to those who ask. So today I am asking God! Asking him for healing for this broken body and tired soul. I am asking him to heal you too. Whether it is physically, emotionally, or spiritually, I pray He heals you. What are you struggling with today? Take it to God. Nothing is impossible to Him. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find." -Matthew 7:7

The hardest part of that is it is in His timing. Do not give up on Him. Even if you've asked a million times for healing of some sort, he will answer in His timing. Do not be discouraged. This will be surgery #12 for me. I am obviously still not "healed" completely, but I know God has a bigger plan for me. So I will continue to praise him through this storm!

One of my favorite songs "Praise you in this storm" by casting crowns Watch the video, read the lyrics

And I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

1 comment:

  1. you are so strong....I do love me some Jesus Calling!!! Thinking about you <><
