They told me to stop taking the oral steroids and antibiotics and we would start a more aggressive treatment. I got two shots in the rear of a heavy duty steroid and a much stronger antibiotic. Then they gave me two breathing treatments which made me jittery and just "yucky" feeling. After all of that I felt worse than when I arrived. I got to come home to sleep in my own bed and I will go back tomorrow for more treatment and a re-evaluation. I am still choking on fluid and I wish more than anything I could use a vacuum and suction it all out. My mom has been the greatest...getting me tons of food which I was craving but didn't feel good enough to eat and not leaving my side even when I am passed out asleep!
With all of this said, I was supposed to be heading to the Mayo Clinic on Tuesday for another operation. I have had 4 surgeries for my endometriosis here in Greenville and it was time to go see the top endometriosis guys in MN this time. My surgery was scheduled for Thursday, but as God's plans would have it, I am too sick to have surgery. It would be really dangerous to go under anesthesia with a respiratory infection, plus I am not feeling up to doing much at all right now.
Funny how God works. I was not looking forward to yet another surgery (#12) and I kept thinking of reasons we should postpone... I know it needs to be done to take care of the pain, but I wasn't mentally ready for another hospital stay. Little did I know, my "excuse" was more illness. UGH. Anyway, I would appreciate your prayers during this time, but mostly for my mom. She has the hardest time with it all. It is hard to watch your child suffer so much and for so many years and she does so much for me. Please pray for her strength and her emotions as we keep fighting these infections and reschedule the next surgery.
Love to all xoxo
(Here is my view on my bed... my tissues, inhalers, meds, and of course my fan!)
Riley as I read your post tonight my heart just wants to say. BLESS YOUR HEART.
ReplyDeleteyou continue to amaze me with your illnesses you stil strive to make others feel comforted.
I am sorry you are feeling soo bad if I could take it Away I would.
My prayer tonight is God WILl wrap his healing hands around your illness and help the medicine start working. Thank goodness you have the best nurse and caregiver on board. These last couple of months hunter and I have spent many hours in the ER. I KNOW HOW HARD THAT CAN BE.
I pray that god has blessed the doctors with the good knowledge to get you up and going.
Amazingly as bad as you feel you are still reaching out to others to comfort and help them. This has truly been taught to you by your wonderful parents and family.
I know you will push forward to heal your sweet little body do you can continue with your surgeries. I had no idea you had already had sooo many. But I wouldn't know that because that is who you are. Putting others first. Your concern for others who are struggling overwhelms me. I hope I can use hunters condition to help others with brain injuries.
I love you. Annie