Saturday, March 28, 2015

A cheerful heart is like good medicine!

The good news is, I've stayed away from the hospital and ER! I am really trying to monitor my stats everyday so that I stay out of crisis mode. Dr. Watson, who I LOVE, is always on top of things and makes sure I am ok. She really listens to me and what my body is saying. The bad days or times consist of really high heart rate, very hot, and an awful sick feeling. I feel really out of control of my body :( BUT, Good days have out-weighed the bad, and for that, I am thankful! I spend each night in bed thanking God for all of the positive things in my life and trying to keep my spirits high. Then the bad days don't seem as bad. 
David has started his career in professional golf on the egolf tour and I have had fun watching him. He is an incredible player and is loving this new venture. I've gotten to travel with him some and follow him on a golf cart :) Last week he made the cut and his dad drove up to caddy for him in NC. They had so much fun together. I've really enjoyed watching David improve every week and doing what he loves. ❤️

I've been doing a lot with my Bible study small group and really growing in my relationship with God and the girls! We are doing 1,2,3 John which I've never studied. I am looking forward to our retreat in a few weeks!!! I missed it last year because I was in the hospital all week. I am not going to miss it this time! 

The bible study has been such good accountability for me. It's easy to get caught up in life and forget to spend time in the Word and working on your relationship with God. I have been frustrated lately because it is so hard to see the good in things when you don't know Gods plan. I have had a really hard time with my friend Lindsey's cancer. She is so fun to be around and I absolutely love spending time with her. When I'm with her I never see her as sick, I just enjoy her company. I pray for her all the time, but I also pray for understanding. I know I won't ever truly understand why she has cancer, but I pray that God is glorified through it somehow. He knew what he was doing when he gave her Lilla. That little girl is the sweetest, happiest toddler and just loves life. I spent some time with them the other night (bath time) and she just melted my heart. Her smile is contagious and boy does she love her mama. She showed me and named many body parts including her belly button which she thought was so funny! She sang her ABCs and "down by the bay" several times. I just sat and watched her splash around without a care in the world. Does she know what a joy she is? What a miracle she is? She is one special girl. 

Lindsey is in a waiting period after radiation where it is still working in her body. Her repeat scans are in a couple of weeks so please pray for her. We went to lunch this week (at one of our favs Brick Street Cafe) and had fun just chatting about life. Our favorite part of the day was a visit to the spa! I had a gift card to River Falls Spa and decided to use it with Lindsey. We could have stayed there all afternoon in our robes just talking. It was so relaxing and nice to step away from responsibilities for a little while. It was just the "medicine" we needed! (Thank you Lauren!) 
Thank you for your continued prayers!

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