Remember when I went to the beach the last week of July? I had a really swollen lymph node in my neck and went to urgent care. They treated me for an ear and sinus infection with antibiotics and steroids. So grateful to them, because we later found out it was also "mono". I am always tired , but the fatigue I have been feeling lately is something crazy! It was good to find an answer. Then once the staph popped up on a blood culture I started antibiotics again. I'm thinking.... "I dare you infections to get in this body now! I am armed with a ridiculous amount of antibiotics and steroids. And then came this past Friday. My bladder and left kidney were really hurting and I got up to go to the bathroom way too many times. I thought I would ride it out through the weekend and if it was still bad, go back to the doctor on Monday. Saturday morning came bright and early with David donning his game day Clemson attire from head to toe to coolers! I had already backed out and told him to take a friend. I knew with all that I've been sick, a game with thousands of people in the heat of the summer wouldn't be a good idea. Once he had left I drove myself to urgent care. I wanted him to have fun so I didn't tell him until later. Urgent care said there were white and red blood cells in urine which meant an infection somewhere. He put me on Bactrim and I was on my way. I ran to McAlisters to get a spud (love this when I feel blah!) and filled up so I could take the antibiotics. David came home early from the game to me sitting up in bed struggling to breathe. "I think I'm having an allergic reaction to the medicine!" I called urgent care with the symptoms of my throat closing up, trying to breathe, and a racing heart rate. She gave me two options: she would send for an ambulance or David takes me immediately to the ER. So there we went. I got to St Francis Eastside ER closest to my house and was immediately whisked away by a team of 6 doctors, PAs, and nurses. Within seconds, I was given an epi shot, started an IV, and three different meds put in my IV. Honestly, one of the scariest things ever for me! I was terrified and crying because I couldn't breathe! After a few minutes my throat swelling started to lessen but my heart rate didn't. After hours of observation, I spiked a fever and heart rate still was super high. This gave me a straight admission ticket to the dreaded upstairs. I am now an impatient being monitored. I'm hoping to break out of here later today. Good news is, there's a nice tv and the room is really big. (Not that I can wander around with this IV pole in tow!) however, the pull out bed doesn't exactly fit a man. Poor David is hanging off the end! He's amazing!

Waking up Friday and feeling that small ting of discomfort in my bladder, I prayed it would go away quickly and quietly. I have had enough infections this month to last me quite a while. Right, God? Then I remember this verse:
"Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" Proverbs 3:5
There is a reason God wants me to be chronically ill with lots of hospital visits. Sometimes, I do see little winks from God that I was in a place for a reason. I always find myself ministering to a doctor or nurse taking care of me. Not in a pushy way at all, just praying in front of them and assuring them I know I'm going to be ok with God on my side. Even when I pick up my many meds from Walgreens weekly (they know me by name) one will always say I hope this works or I hope you feel better. And I reply, "I'm praying it will!" Just little nudges to those who may need it.
Thinking ab you Riley!
ReplyDeleteRiley, I can't stand to see you like this. My heart is breaking. You have been so strong. God does have a special plan for you. I love you very much and I am praying for you daily. What a sweet husband:)
ReplyDeleteLinda Frasher