Well...it's a week away! Things are getting real. We bought the wedding bands, have had umpteen meetings with the vendors and planners and have signed up for dance lessons. (For David's sake haha)

I am still trucking along. There are days when I have a lot of energy (which is probably a normal amount for most people) so I try to get as much done as I can. But then sometimes I pay for it the next day. Yesterday I had two bridal sessions with the photographers, a few appointments, and tried to work at the store some. By last night I knew I had done too much. I woke up feeling like I've been run over by a truck and had a migraine. But thanks to good meds I will bounce back and just take it easy today. It's so hard though! It was surreal seeing myself in the dress and veil. I can't wait to wear it next week.
My mind is racing with things that need to be done for the wedding and for the business. We are participating in a huge event next week. I know it's the week of the wedding but it wasn't something we could pass up. One of our wholesalers has a big warehouse sale in Greenville twice a year called Bargain Chicks, and they asked us months ago to be the monogrammer for the event. Thanks to some awesome employees and friends who are willing to help, we think it will be a smooth week.
I am also excited to celebrate my "golden birthday" tomorrow. I'll be 27 on the 27th. Woohoo! Kind of bitter sweet. It is my last birthday as a Haskell. Next birthday I will be a wife! And a Dannelly. Crazy!!! I am praying 27 brings good health and smooth sailing. (But just in case we did buy medical insurance for our honeymoon. I don't have a good track record so it's the smart thing to do!) I can't thank you enough for all of your prayers lately. They are definitely felt and most definitely working. Through the struggles and sufferings of the bad days, I am able to be much more thankful for the good ones. I rely on God so much because I know he's the only one who can get me through those times.
Much love
Me -my last post as a 26 year old haha
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